Thursday, January 12, 2023
I have a wonderful pastor friend who pastors a church in our area and from the pulpit often makes the statement, "it does not matter who is in the White House, but what matters is who is in your house." Now I really respect him for his love for the LORD and admire him for his hard work and dedication, but I have to say his statement is only half right which makes it totally wrong. Yes, it is true it matters who is in our house, our temple, our tabernacle, our heart, but it is also matters who is in the White House. Now please do not think our house is the thing we live in or what we call the building we go to on Sunday or Wednesday for a church service. Oh no, David said, you have blessed me out of the store "house" of the LORD. We my friend are the store "house" of the LORD and we bless our brothers and sisters, even the LORD, as He builds us. We are the "church." Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, "I will build my church." In Psalms 127:1, "Except the LORD build the house they labors in vain who builds it." We are the "house" of the LORD and God is building us into a holy tabernacle. In Ephesians Paul tells us, "In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:21-22) So, you see, it does matters who is in your house. Now if any President of the United States, who is the resident of the White House, is as anti-Christ as President Joe Biden has proved to be for the last two years of his administration then it greatly matters my friend who is in the White House. Even as off track as the Catholic Church is they still will not allow President Biden to practice their ritual of taking their sacraments because of his ungodly position on abortion. I do not think it gets more anti-Christ then murdering babies in the mother's womb. The policies and agenda President Biden sets and then enacts for the country details to a certain degree the morality, not of the individual people per say, but the morality and direction of the country's desire to support and defend Godly spiritual principles found in the Word of God. Now please do not get me wrong, I would love to see President Joe Biden do an about face and give his life to Christ. I will pray for him, his Cabinet, and all who work for him (as the Bible tells us to do), but at the same time I must resist the evil and ungodliness he and his administration is rolling out on America and the world. I am not blind to their unholy madness, I know the big picture is the destruction of the traditional America and of Godly spiritual principles America was founded on. All one has to do is read "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky and you will see the blueprint (started in the 1960s) President Biden and his forces are mustering to destroy America so that she can be replaced by socialism and more and more ungodliness. My friend we do not live in normal times make no mistake. "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood." There are demonic forces controlling the heads of our government and the people responsible for ensuring the continuation of our American way of life. Now I expect evil people to do and say evil things. They can only do and say what is in their heart. And sadly, President Biden and his folks are evil and I believe, without a shadow of doubt, he and many of the folks who work for him are demon possessed and at the least demonically influenced. I mean either you are possessed with the Holy Spirit or you are possessed with an unholy spirit. All you have to do is look at their behavior and character and listen to their words to know what they believe and stand for, to determine what spirit they are of. Ungodly character and evil behavior comes not from a Godly man. It is time to stand up and speak the truth in love. On 13 Dec 22 the White House hosted a drag queen as a part of the Defense of Marriage Act signing, which had nothing to do with defending marriage (a big dog and pony show) and everything to do with legalizing same sex marriage again. But, really a drag queen in the White House for all of the little boys and girls to see. Now this drag queen was not just any drag queen. This drag queen was a loud and vocal voice for defunding the police (speaking against moral authority) and a huge advocate for pedophilia, having sex with little boys. How far has the White House fallen in smut and voyeurism to host drag queens, God forbid. But, how many mega-church pastors or just pastors in the US stood to their feet and denounced the White House for opening up the doors of the people's house to a drag queen? Did your pastor denounce this action of the President? If he did not does not silence equal compliance? If he did not I would take my family by the hand and run out of his church as fast as our feet will carry us. But, where are all of the TV commercials denouncing President Biden for this act of evil? Believers are we okay with this? It looks and sounds like we are. Well, I am not. If America turns back to God it will come from the pews and not from the pulpits. Most pastors, if not all, are more concerned about their government tax exempt status than God. What part of Deuteronomy 22:5 do we not understand? Oh yes, the law of the Old Testament is still in effect for us today. Moses writes, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." (Deuteronomy 22:5) Nor just sinners, but an "abomination unto the LORD thy God." So too with men who lie with men, sodomites, homosexuals, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13) This is not love as many people teach, but is raw, ungodly, fleshly lust. These two verses are just as important as John 3:16. Now, does God love them? You bet. Does God want to see them change? You bet, but until they stop trying to live and look like a woman or lie with other men, and change their heart towards God, all God can do is give them (and all who supports and curry favor from them) judgment, punishment, and if they (or anybody else) never accept the free gift of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross they will send themselves to the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Now this drag queen issue really hit home for Karen and I. As small and as quiet as little Sneads Ferry is we as a community had to deal with the drag queen issue. One of the local businesses wanted to have a drag queen party, well I guess she did not really know who her customers were and the community. To be honest I was proud of those residents of Sneads Ferry who stood up and said, "not in my town," who stood for righteousness. Karen and I found out about the drag queen party on "Next Door" a web-base social media network (we use it to announce our Home Group Meetings) that connects many of the neighborhoods in town. Karen received a post (sent to everyone) about the drag queen party and WOW did Karen's phone blow up. Sadly most of the people responding was for the drag queen party. Well, the conversations got so ugly the post had to take down. But in the end righteousness prevailed. Most of the more conservative folks (maybe some Christians) in Sneads Ferry said, "not in my town" and told the owner, okay, have the drag queen party, but if you do we will take our business elsewhere. You know when we get hit in the pocket book funny how we suddenly grow a brain. Also something about seeking God's righteousness. Jesus tells us, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) "First" and above all things, seek God's kingdom and His righteousness. You know we must never forget about God's righteousness. We can seek God's kingdom (for some they can get a good paying job in God's kingdom) and do things for God, but not seek His righteousness by not doing the things God wants us to say and do. Like, standing up to this evil that was going to project itself in Sneads Ferry. God is counting on us to stand up to evil in His might and power, but we must choose to stand up and speak out or well . . . is not silence compliance? Oh I realize, God has plan for America and He has plan for each one of us and He will bring them both to His purpose and end, but until God is finished with us or America and if we call ourselves a Believer (believe in the things found in God's word and believe in the Gospel message) we must stand for truth and righteousness and be counted. If not then we lie, we are a fake, a phony, and the truth of God is not in us. So you see it does matters who is in our house and the White House. Not God bless America, but America bless God! Written by David Stahl
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