Tuesday, January 29, 2008


As the Disciples walked with Jesus there was a great turbulence around Him and an emotional storm within them that constantly swirled. Sadly the Disciples never got through this turbulence and never allowed this emotional storm to be stilled within them until Jesus went away. Now please do not think I am saying I have calmed the emotional storm often raging within me, oh no the storm is alive and often shakes me to my knees. Over the past two or three years God has been killing my self-strength and self-life. What a painful death, but an imperative death that must be in my life if God is going to use me as He so desperately desires. There is a daily struggle between our emotions (our thoughts, feelings, ambitions, fears, etc.) and our spirit. And we are one who decides whether our emotions (sometimes called our carnal flesh) or spirit reigns in our body. Now God gave us our emotions so that we could experience this earthly life in a fuller way, but more important God gave us our emotions to show us and teach us through an inward struggle (we all have within) how much we need God’s strength and power within so that we can discipline ourselves to such a degree that even our emotions can be brought into the captivity and obedience of Christ Jesus. If we allow our emotions to rule and reign over us God cannot use us, we willfully forfeit our service to God. We must allow God to work in our lives, through His dealings and judgments in so many areas of our lives, so that our emotions can be brought under control and down to its soulish grave. This timeless truth is beautifully played out in the story of Jesus and the Disciples on the sea when “a great storm of wind and the waves,” threatens their lives. “And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (Mark 4:37-40) I find it amazing Jesus could not speak to the Disciples their emotions were running wild and could not receive His words, also true today. Jesus had to first calm the outward storm so that He could speak “Peace be still” to the inward emotional storm that was raging within them. This is not what the “Prince of Peace,” (Jesus Christ) is looking for. Oh no my friend, Jesus is looking for us to have our inward thoughts and emotions under control so that the outward storm does not move us. No need to calm the outward storm let it rage, inwardly I am at peace. Now that is not denying the storm. But we can have peace in time of war and we can have war in time of peace. We can be in a storm when everything is calm or we can be calm when everything is stormy. We can even be alone in a crowd. It all depends upon where our emotional life is. It all depends upon which is gripping our heart, the storm or the faithfulness of God. Jesus then turns His attention to the faithless (like us at times) Disciples, “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” Fear is one of the greatest emotions that controls our Christian lives. Fear lives in the pit of our stomach. I know fear all too well, but we must allow God to strengthen us (we cannot do it ourselves) to bring us into faith because, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6) We must not allow our emotions to control us in pleasing God, obedience is reserved for our spirit and not our emotions. And yes the further we go on in God, the less He is going to honor our fields of emotions. We will have to learn to walk with the Lord without His conscious presence which can be very terrifying. Less and less are we dependent on our old emotions that served for our living today. How can faith develop if He is going to humor us along all the time? We must grow up to be used of God, but often our unstable emotions keeps us as babes, friend this must change.

One of the biggest emotional places we weekly go is church. From the start it is important to remember the three main reasons why we go to church: The Bible commands us, to be a blessing to others, and to hear God’s voice. When we involve our emotions in any of these three we are setting ourselves up for failure. Our service to God is never done with what we shall receive, but who we can bless. It is giving so that others may receive. We put our selves last. True service to God is JOY: Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last, but, not so today in many churches. In most churches today our emotions are fed a carnal banquet of contemporary music, worldly slide shows and productions with high-tech lights and sounds that drive our emotions upward away from God. God is downward and we must come down in our thinking and emotions to join in with Him. Sadly activities and parties have replaced services. My friend most if not all contemporary Christian songs are written out from a desire for an emotional experience in God and looking to receive something from Him. God does not need to do what we want Him to do, He is God and He knows what we need. Just take a good look at the song titles I do not need to list them. They are “self” focused, where hymns are God focused. I really dislike the practice of changing the music of the hymns to make them more current and up beat. They were written out of loss and sacrifice something most song writers know nothing about. It is often said, if I cannot preach from the Bible then I will use a hymn book. We sing, I want to dance like David (a very emotional man) danced, well my friend unless you go through the same things David went through you will never be able to dance like David danced. David’s emotions time and time again (like us too) got him into trouble with his family and God. It seems there must always be a constant motion of activities for our flesh to parade itself in. True worship has northing to do with singing or dancing, but a bowing down our heads and hearts before the Lord of Lords and King of Kings in total submission. I cannot remember the last time I was in a church or home group meeting where we did not sing for 30 or 45 minutes. When I pastor again (and I feel this will happen) there will be no singing, dancing, or flag waving. We come to church to hear from God and to be a blessing not to be entertained. If I am looking for entertainment I will go to a ball game, read a book, or take our dog for a walk. I know this is hard for many churches to hear, but my friend we are getting further and further off track. People are dying and going to hell in America and around the world while we are singing and dancing asking God to change our hearts or come and fill us. I probably have offended many friends and if so I am sorry for offending you, but I am not sorry for speaking the truth. Please never forget our chief cornerstone (Jesus Christ and His Gospel message) is also a rock of offence to them who do not really know the Lord. A good question to ask is why do people come to your church? If the answer is because of your music ministry (which is not listed in the Bible as a ministry) then the main pillar of your church is not the preaching of the word of God. We must get back to the Gospel message, back to the Cross, so we can come to some level of spiritual maturity and development in God. Jesus never traveled around with a singing group or band of musicians. When Jesus did sing it was in keeping with His Jewish customs and rituals like with the Passover. There is a deafening silence of God’s voice in most churches today because of much singing and an emotional excitement that keeps our spirit weak and our flesh strong. The words of God must get to our spirit, not our emotions, if we are going to touch lives for Christ.

In 1 Kings we read how “the Lord” (God) spoke to Elijah, “And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” (1 Kings 19:11-12) God did not speak from the wind, or from the earthquake, nor from the fire (all that would affect our emotions), but in “a still small voice” to Elijah’s spirit. This is the place God can get our attention so we can hear His voice, in silence and stillness before Him. Our emotions (singing and such) prevent us from entering in to this place in God. There is a place of silence in God that brings us to nothingness, a place where we have nothing to say. There are three types of silence: a silence of words, a silence of desires, and a silence of thoughts. The first is perfect. The second is even more perfect and the third is the most perfect. In the first, the silence of words, there is virtue (strength) that is acquired. In the second, the silence of desires, quietness is obtained; and in the third, the silence of thoughts, this is God’s goal to touch the internal recollection of all of our senses. To lay hold of the silence of thought is to arrive and abide at the center of our being where Christ dwells. Not by speaking, desiring, nor reasoning we reach the central place of our inward walk, that place where God speaks to our inward man. It is there that God communicates Himself to our spirit; and there in the inmost depths of our being He teaches us of Himself. He guides us to this place where He alone speaks His most secret and hidden thoughts of His heart to us. We must enter into this through silence if we would hear His divine voice within us. Forsaking the world will not accomplish this, even renouncing our desires. No, not even if we should renounce all things created. What then? True peace and rest is found only in this three fold silence, only before an open door where God may communicate Himself to us. It is in that place He can transform us into Himself. This transformation of our soul consists not in speaking to God nor in thinking of God, but in loving Him greatly. And how is this love acquired? By the means of perfect resignation on our part of God’s faithfulness to us and this threefold silence. We can only quiet the raging storm within us when we allow (our choice not God’s) God to work in our lives and bring us to a place of stillness and silence.

God started something in the Book of Genesis (1:26) and He has not changed His mind. God is still in the business of making man into His own image and this too is our choice. God will never be able to reach His goal of conforming us into His image unless we can control (through God’s strengthening and power) our emotions. We will never be able to come to the image of God (Jesus Christ) unless God can bring us to silence and quietness before Him. If not then the storm rages on within as we feed our flesh more and more with a smorgasbord of emotional delights.

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