I would like to share some thoughts that will help us with our prayers. I think one of the greatest mysteries of God is prayer. I have told this story in the past and share it (in brief) to express my point. God took me all the way to India to teach me this lesson. God will go great lengths to teach us the lesson we need to learn to be victorious in Him if we have a heart to be obedient and a willingness to learn. I think one of the most troubling heart conditions I see in the church today is most Christians do not have a desire to want to learn. Here seems to be a lot of know-it-alls in the church today. Now I will be the first to admit I do not know everything and the things I thought I knew, well God is showing me years later truth is progressive. What I once considered to be true (and would die for) now I confess I know nothing at all. What a safe place in God. But while in India after two weeks of eating chicken, curry, and rice because of a stomach upset and diarrhea and ministering three times a day (for two hours each time) and praying for the sick in between, I was weak, drained, I had no strength within me, another safe place in God. When we are weak, then and only then is God strong. Paul learned this truth time and time again as God worked in His life and as Paul laid down his life for the Brethren. We will never have a desire to lay down our lives for anyone (even our family) unless God can first work in our lives and bring us to place of selflessness, the place of total perfection in God. At about 10:00 pm I was looking down the barrel of another plate of chicken, curry, and rice when Pastor S.J. Peter asked me to pray for a little girl who has not walked in months. To make a wonderful long story short I prayed this long, religious, and powerful prayer something like this, Oh God please heal this little girl. I had no words or strength to muster up a religious prayer. I saw no lightening bolts nor did the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My emotions were stilled and my spirit was down in a low place (where Jesus is) expecting nothing when the father put the little girl on the ground. When her little feet hit the ground she was not walking she was running. I have never in my life (even today) seen a girl run so fast. I never got to my chicken, curry, and rice that night a line quickly was formed and we had church. How did God do that? How does prayer work? My friend prayer is mysterious. It is beyond me and my thinking, yet another safe place in God. In Colossians Paul shares these words, “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; 3Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: 4That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” (Colossians 4:2-3) And one of Christ’s greatest mysteries is prayer. There are five points on prayer I think I have learned (to some degree) over my many years that I would like to share with you. Now the word “prayer” is translated six ways in the Bible, but most often the word prayer is translated as, communion with God and does not substitute for each other. We are to let the Spirit of God teach us. If the Spirit does not give it to us then we will never really get it. The word “prayer” is not in the Gospel or Epistles of John, but “prayer” is tied into john’s life more then the other disciples. It seemed there was a greater quality of love in John’s life. One can not really be involved in prayer if there is no love in our lives. Understanding these previous thoughts are critical for our understanding of knowing God and His ways through “prayer.”
The first of the five points is; we learn to pray by praying. How can we expect God to answer our prayers if we never pray? I am reminded of the story of the man who prayed, “God bless the work of my hands” and God replied, “Do something.” This is the same with prayer. God is waiting for us to do our part so He can do His part. God does not engage in our lives to do what He wants to see happen, in anything. We must start the process when dealing with the things of God. We sing the Vineyard song, “Change My Heart Oh Lord,” well God is waiting for us to do the things required to allow a change of heart. God does not have a magic wand to bonk us over the head or heavenly angel dust to sprinkle over us that magically changes us. Oh no my friend change in God is deliberate and difficult. Those who think change in God happens effortlessly have been deceived by the major denominational religions of the day. Change in God will put to death our fleshly carnal desires and ways. Change in God, becoming the new creature Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 5:17, will require us to be obedient and submissive to God and some men. Our selfish nature adamantly rejects God and His ways and must be put to death by us. For this to happen we must pray. Please know we do not have to pray, we really do not. But if we do not pray we will not get very far with God. If we have a hunger in us too, “draw nigh (near) to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” (James 4:8) then we must pray. Prayer is how we “draw nigh” to God and how He “draws nigh” to us.
The second point is; we cannot change God’s mind with prayer. Most Christians would rather prayer for hours then give one minute of obedience. We think if we do not like God’s answer we can pray and our earnest heartfelt prayer will change His mind, probably not. God is sovereign and He has plans for our lives. Why would we want to twist God’s arm to get what we want? We seek the understanding of all things, but when we find something we do not like or understand we push for a different understanding and most often we come up with a misunderstanding. Understanding got Eve in a lot of trouble. We do not need to know everything in prayer, we need to rest in prayer. Our understanding in prayer comes from God not figuring things out. In prayer we really do not know much. We often think we know that is why we pray and pray wit the gimmies so much, but the Spirit knows and the Spirit who knows will help us who do not know much. In prayer the goal is not to know what God knows, but to know God. If we can know God then He can tell us what we need to know. To do this and flow in the will of God in prayer we must lay down our ways and will to take up His ways and will, we must lay aside our thoughts and take up His thoughts.
The third point is; prayer helps us to adjust our heart and thinking to God’s will. God knows what we want before we even ask, right? Wrong! Jesus said, “Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:6) We many times in prayer insert the word “want” for the words “ye have need of.” There is a big difference between a want and a need. Anyway it is God who gets to say what we are in need of not us. Prayer helps us to see things from God’s perspective. God knows (He made us so) we are beings that need to talk. In prayer it is not God needs to know, but we need to tell Him. Please remember prayer is rarely a time to receive something from God. There is a divine spiritual principle at work here, what we want we must give that away. If we want God to bless us we must ask God to bless others. Remember, God already knows what you need you do not need to ask Him, but He is waiting to see if you are willing to spend the faith He speaks to you on your self or others. Did you know we are to invest the faith God gives us in others? Will we be selfish or selfless like Jesus? And still a deeper thought, God is trying to teach us now how He thinks so that we will be able to function and operate with Him now, but more in our next life with Him. In prayer God is training us. We ask God for something and He says no. Okay, fine. After we stop crying and bellyaching, we learn the next time we come to this cross road we will not have to ask we already know God’s heart in this matter. Again and again different issue after issue God is teaching us how He operates and thinks, what He wants, what His will is through our prayers.
The fourth point of five; obedience to God is never substituted by prayer. Charles Haun told the sad story of a lady who God would wake at night to pray for people and things. God is God at disturbing us at the most inopportune time. You think not? Well serve Him long enough and He will see what you are really made of. One night God woke up this lady (it was very late) to pray for a missionary in Peru. She got out of her bed, went over to the chair in the corner, knelt down, and began to pray. After maybe one hour she went back to bed. A little later God woke her again. This time she got out of her bed and knelt by the bed. After maybe 30 minutes she slipped back beneath the warm blankets. A third time God woke this lady up to pray for the missionary, but this time she did not get out of bed. She just laid there all warm and cozy in her bed praying a few minutes then drifted off back to sleep. God never tried waking her again. About three months late the word came to her church that a missionary had died. The Holy Spirit pricked her heart letting her know it was this missionary she was to pray for the night she slept. A tough lesson in deed it cost someone else their life. There is always a cost for our disobedience and most times to others bear that cost. Prayer is never substituted for obedience. Enough said about that point.
The first of the five points is; we learn to pray by praying. How can we expect God to answer our prayers if we never pray? I am reminded of the story of the man who prayed, “God bless the work of my hands” and God replied, “Do something.” This is the same with prayer. God is waiting for us to do our part so He can do His part. God does not engage in our lives to do what He wants to see happen, in anything. We must start the process when dealing with the things of God. We sing the Vineyard song, “Change My Heart Oh Lord,” well God is waiting for us to do the things required to allow a change of heart. God does not have a magic wand to bonk us over the head or heavenly angel dust to sprinkle over us that magically changes us. Oh no my friend change in God is deliberate and difficult. Those who think change in God happens effortlessly have been deceived by the major denominational religions of the day. Change in God will put to death our fleshly carnal desires and ways. Change in God, becoming the new creature Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 5:17, will require us to be obedient and submissive to God and some men. Our selfish nature adamantly rejects God and His ways and must be put to death by us. For this to happen we must pray. Please know we do not have to pray, we really do not. But if we do not pray we will not get very far with God. If we have a hunger in us too, “draw nigh (near) to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” (James 4:8) then we must pray. Prayer is how we “draw nigh” to God and how He “draws nigh” to us.
The second point is; we cannot change God’s mind with prayer. Most Christians would rather prayer for hours then give one minute of obedience. We think if we do not like God’s answer we can pray and our earnest heartfelt prayer will change His mind, probably not. God is sovereign and He has plans for our lives. Why would we want to twist God’s arm to get what we want? We seek the understanding of all things, but when we find something we do not like or understand we push for a different understanding and most often we come up with a misunderstanding. Understanding got Eve in a lot of trouble. We do not need to know everything in prayer, we need to rest in prayer. Our understanding in prayer comes from God not figuring things out. In prayer we really do not know much. We often think we know that is why we pray and pray wit the gimmies so much, but the Spirit knows and the Spirit who knows will help us who do not know much. In prayer the goal is not to know what God knows, but to know God. If we can know God then He can tell us what we need to know. To do this and flow in the will of God in prayer we must lay down our ways and will to take up His ways and will, we must lay aside our thoughts and take up His thoughts.
The third point is; prayer helps us to adjust our heart and thinking to God’s will. God knows what we want before we even ask, right? Wrong! Jesus said, “Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:6) We many times in prayer insert the word “want” for the words “ye have need of.” There is a big difference between a want and a need. Anyway it is God who gets to say what we are in need of not us. Prayer helps us to see things from God’s perspective. God knows (He made us so) we are beings that need to talk. In prayer it is not God needs to know, but we need to tell Him. Please remember prayer is rarely a time to receive something from God. There is a divine spiritual principle at work here, what we want we must give that away. If we want God to bless us we must ask God to bless others. Remember, God already knows what you need you do not need to ask Him, but He is waiting to see if you are willing to spend the faith He speaks to you on your self or others. Did you know we are to invest the faith God gives us in others? Will we be selfish or selfless like Jesus? And still a deeper thought, God is trying to teach us now how He thinks so that we will be able to function and operate with Him now, but more in our next life with Him. In prayer God is training us. We ask God for something and He says no. Okay, fine. After we stop crying and bellyaching, we learn the next time we come to this cross road we will not have to ask we already know God’s heart in this matter. Again and again different issue after issue God is teaching us how He operates and thinks, what He wants, what His will is through our prayers.
The fourth point of five; obedience to God is never substituted by prayer. Charles Haun told the sad story of a lady who God would wake at night to pray for people and things. God is God at disturbing us at the most inopportune time. You think not? Well serve Him long enough and He will see what you are really made of. One night God woke up this lady (it was very late) to pray for a missionary in Peru. She got out of her bed, went over to the chair in the corner, knelt down, and began to pray. After maybe one hour she went back to bed. A little later God woke her again. This time she got out of her bed and knelt by the bed. After maybe 30 minutes she slipped back beneath the warm blankets. A third time God woke this lady up to pray for the missionary, but this time she did not get out of bed. She just laid there all warm and cozy in her bed praying a few minutes then drifted off back to sleep. God never tried waking her again. About three months late the word came to her church that a missionary had died. The Holy Spirit pricked her heart letting her know it was this missionary she was to pray for the night she slept. A tough lesson in deed it cost someone else their life. There is always a cost for our disobedience and most times to others bear that cost. Prayer is never substituted for obedience. Enough said about that point.
And the fifth and final point, Jesus always prayed because He wanted to maintain contact with His Father, not to do or get things. Prayer is communion with God not taking with God. Our best prayers have no words, just groanings. Never forget Jesus was not given “a name about all names” because He was God’s Son, oh no my friend but because, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:8) We must never forget Jesus gets everything from the Father. He does not do or say anything of Himself, only those things He sees the Father doing and what His Father would be saying. Prayer is something alone, between us and God. Prayer is not wordiness, nor must it be loud. God is not hard of hearing. He knows our heart’s cry and groans better than our native tongue. Prayer cannot be formed or read, it must be natural, it must be something of the Spirit, it must be spontaneous. Prayer reveals God’s nature and heart to us. There are three patterns of prayer: duty prayer (praying over food, for people, and etc.), a prayer life (spending time alone with God where we stop living our life long enough to pray), and what God is looking for in prayer, a life of prayer (where our life becomes a prayer of God). God’s goal in prayer is not to give us things, but to be able to bring us into righteous living, where all we do is righteous. Our lives before righteous as automatic as breathing, everything we do is righteous, every thought and action is righteous just like Jesus’ life. Is not God’s grand objective in our lives to conform us into the character and image of His precious Son Jesus Christ? Yes of course, well how will He do this? What tool will he use to show us how he operates and functions? What tool will He use to show us our selfish and self-seeking heart condition? Prayer! God must be able to get us over our “give me things” thinking so that He can take us deeper into prayer. I believe we have only scratched the surface of prayer and in our next lives God will open up so much more about prayer to us. But until then let us pray. Written by David Stahl
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