Wednesday, January 29, 2025


The 2024 General Election between President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was “truly” an historic event and at the same time a very painful eye opener to where America is spiritually. Yes, Donald Trump won the election going away in a landslide, but there were also many losers, maybe 104 million. According to the 2020 US census there are 331 million people in the United States. But, as the final weeks of the 2024 presidential election campaign unfolded, it appeared that the outcome of the close race between Trump and Harris will depend on which candidate does a more effective job of getting their supporters to the poll to vote. A new national survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, led by Dr. George Barna, indicated that voting enthusiasm in 2024 is significantly lower than in 2020, and that a massive number of Christians who regularly attend church services were not likely to vote in the November election. Sadly, this was the case in this election. Christian churchgoing voters have historically supported the more conservative major-party candidate in a presidential race and appear poised to do so again this election cycle, albeit with fewer of them casting a ballot than in the most recent presidential race. The research indicates that as many as 104 million people of faith (to include religions like Muslim, Hindu, etc.) will not be voting in the upcoming election on 5 November 24 and among those, 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church will NOT cast their ballot. Now I am not sure why so many “Christians” walked away from their doing their reasonable service and duty before the LORD. Maybe they were vilified, called extremist by the Democratic Party, and then marginalized or maybe just apathic I do not know but, what do you expect when millions of so called “Christians” support (give their time, talents, and resources) to the Democratic Party that advocates for: abortion, sodomy, lesbianism, transgenderism, and so much more ungodly and just down-right lascivious social lifestyles. As we can see by the results of the 2024 election God rejected the Democratic Party and the 32 million folks that did not vote. The Bible is crystal clear to our duty and responsibility to be a part of a civil society. America is a representative Republic not a democracy. Not a majority rule of government, but we elect representatives according to our constitution to make up the government that will oversee the affairs of our country. In Romans, Paul shares with the Church in Rome their duties and obligations to exist in the Roman society. Paul writes, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. (Romans 13:1-7) Also see 1 Peter 2:13-18, to what we must do to please God in society. In other words, it is our duty and responsibility to be involved not with the politics of the day, but it is our reasonable service, our duty, before God, to be salt and light, to speak about, pray about, to stand up, and be God’s voice in the moral and spiritual issues of OUR day. And if we do not then when have sinned. And, if we support ungodliness and debauchery like the Democratic Party then we have sinned and cannot, must not, call ourselves a “Christian” until we ask God to forgive us of our willful sin and then repent. I was amazed to find out the main groups that made up the coalition that supported candidate Harris were the: highly educated, folks making over $100,000 a year, and people who possess no faith. While Trump put together white men and woman, black men, Latinos in huge numbers, union workers, the military vote, truly a cross section of America. What a picture of the truth! Now here is the downside spiritually of the 32 million self-professed “Christians.” Sadly, God could not count on the “Church” in America to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven. God’s intention for the millions of Christians in America is not to be political, but spiritual. Not to get involved in the lower-level issues, but stand in the moral high ground with God and proclaim, “righteousness exalts a nation” to stand in the spiritual hedge for the nation that they find themselves in. But no, these 32 million so called “Christians” not only failed God, but also failed America and those Christians that did what God wanted them to do. My friend, America was not established by God to spread freedom and liberty around the world, oh no. Liberty and freedom are a by-product of the Gospel message. America was established to replace England, because of England’s waywardness to truth and righteousness and the rise of humanism in her churches, as the country on the world stage to share the wondrous message of the good news of the Gospel, but lately she has slipped from 1st to 13th place in sending missionaries to the world. Unless America gets back to doing what God wants for her, she will slip slowly away like England and God will raise up another country to replace her. God and His message will NOT be stopped. If God was going to do anything in this election (which He did) He knew He would have to work outside the “Church.” What an open indictment on the “Church” in America. And God did some amazing things in the election. Sadly the “Church” itself made itself non-relevant and obsolete by walking away from what God was doing. God saw He did not need the nominal, denominational “Church” to do His will for America. This my friend ought to shake you, if you are a Christan, to your knees. Now, I do not want to focus on the amazing return of Donald J. Trump, how God saved his life from assassination not once, but twice, kept him through 12 trumped up (no pun intended) legal cases and assorted political wranglings, not to mention the character assassination from his first four years when he was President, and so much more. But make no mistake, God has called Donald J. Trump, (not as a savior, but as the President of the United States of America) for such a time as this, to restore the United States of America back to her former place of service and so that God could once again be glorified. So that she once again can share this wondrous Gospel message around the world again and then freedom and liberty will ring from shore to shore and sea to sea. I am reminded of the words spoked by the French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, he said, “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning— and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!” You know with President Trump winning the election, in a landside, not only in the Electoral College, but also in the popular vote, he was handed a mandate by the people to govern the way he said he was going to govern during his campaign and I believe he will (God willing), as long as he is not assassinated (God forbid). My friend, there are some really crazy, sick people in this world. We need to keep President elect Donald Trump in our prayers. Karen always says, “if the heart is wrong then the head will be wrong.” But, not only was President Trump handed a mandate to govern the country, but you know what my friend, so was the ”Church” in America. Sadly, God knew He could not count on 32 million so called or self-proclaimed “Christians.” He knew they would not vote for the truth of the word of God and stand up for His righteousness in the land. So, what will He do in the future with the “Church” in America? Sadly, unless the “Church” in America wakes up, gets back to God, and shuns the ways and teachings of this world, God will have to set her aside and it will watch Him move on the earth as He moves in the heavenly. God always has a remnant of people who believe Him, who loves to serve Him, and He will use them to accomplish His will on earth. If you were one of these 32 million and there is air in your lungs, there is still time to turn to the LORD, if not then your future is the shelf, even though you probably will go and work your fingers to the bones at some denominational church, while your eternal home with God is in doubt. Thank God He gets to make the call. Written by David Stahl

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